
Salford Heritage Museum is now Officially Closed

Please enjoy the information and picture’s provided as a wonderful memory and a tribute to the past.

The Salford Heritage Museum came to realization on September 11, l993 when the Village Cheese Mill donated the grain storage area from the old mill so everyone could enjoy our history.
In 1855 The village was known as Manchester and later changed to what it is today.
The Ranney family settled here in 1836. They acquired 600 acres and milked 100 cows in the heart of Oxford DairyLand.  This led to the making of the first cheese in southwestern Ontario.

  The famous Evangelist…Aimee Semple McPherson was born one and a half miles west of the village.  Born in 1890 and died in 1944, she was the founder of the Church of the Four Square Gospel and built the Angelus Temple in Los Angeles California in 1923.  There is an historical plaque located in the park across the street from the Village Cheese Mill.

  There is plenty of information to see and browse through, old tools, old school books, scrapbooks etc..  so….. drop in, sit a spell and step back in time and enjoy the history of our quiet little village and relax with a cup of tea and chat with some of the locals.